Universal Pattern

Universal Pattern

We see it in all styles... repeated movements (although slightly different in motion), all with the same possibilities. So if an action is repeated in many styles, it must carry many potentials or major significance. Our mission then is to find ideas that will help us not only understand the deeper ramifications, potentials and even probabilities for that or those repeated actions. It is also why a scholar of the arts or even an enthusiast, should research many styles, not for the differences, but more importantly the similarities. Once researched, experimented with and then practiced, we can then make that part of our neural response connections or pathway into the subconscious or autonomic reaches of the brain (a new wrinkle).

Splitting Hands is such an action...

We see this open handed action in many styles like Tai Chi (as Parting the Wild Horses Main), Seisan (Uechi, Goju, Shotokan, Etc.), Incense Shop Boxing ( Xiang Dian Quan - 香店拳), Baqua and many more. The action is varied from style to style yet carry the same characteristic of one palm moving as it faces upwards, as the other travels facing downward and in opposite directions. As example Tai Chi's "Parting the Wild Horses Main" travels side-wards, where as Seisan's hands travel upward and downward simultaneously and others forward and back. This action can also be seen in the fisted actions as in many Karate Styles, as they two fists travel in opposite directions pulling and striking, double striking, or even tearing actions with the clasped hands. Katas like Nai Hanchi embody these dual actions where the practitioner can use the outer knuckles of the closed hands, or the fingertips clenching or of course one of each.

Learn the application, the anatomy, tool, trajectory and see the affects in the private extended sections below.

#Kyusho -ep