Sanseiru Kyusho Entering Course

Sanseiru Kyusho Entering Course

New Seminar Added Entering, Clinch and Tackle Defense Getting past the sparring range and into the fighting grappling and finishing range using the ancient tools of the Bubishi and Sanseiru is the topic for this third in a series courses. The ancient Kata Sanseiru, is...


Entering, Clinch and Tackle Defense Getting past the sparring range and into the fighting grappling and finishing range using the ancient tools of the Bubishi and Sanseiru is the topic for this third in a series courses. The ancient Kata Sanseiru, is still as viable...
Strike Ears WIth Fists

Strike Ears WIth Fists

The Classic Posture from Tai Chi as well as Passai or Bassai Kata and several other ancient Kata postures. It can also be seen in the Ancient Bubishi in many forms of application which all are designed to quickly disable the opponent. Defensive Use-case - Offensive...


Strike Ears With Fists The Classic Posture from Tai Chi as well as Passai or Bassai Kata and several other ancient Kata postures. It can also be seen in the Ancient Bubishi in many forms of application which all are designed to quickly disable the opponent. Defensive...


Shuto-Uke The Shuto-Uke action is seen in many styles and Kata, typically used as a Blocking Action for an incoming strike. But this is just one of an almost unlimited array of possible actions, especially when applying Kyusho to each of the moves. When used as an...