Dynamic Training

   Empower Yourself. This is not a Martial Arts course, it is an empowerment course for personal confidence, ability improvement and protection on many levels.  The training class that is safe, easy to learn, fun, dynamic and most of all the most efficient...

Fight or Flight

  Survival ... under extreme conditions or situations that manifest mostly depend on the individuals ability to respond correctly.  This stress response is called "Fight or Flight" response in which either your brain or your body responds. The basics of the...


  Pure Animal Spirit For over 10 years I have been writing a monthly column in the worlds largest Martial Arts Magazine on Kyusho under the main title of "Get to the Point". Originally these articles (now continued in the blog at www.kyusho.com) were aimed at...

Inside – Outside

  Typical Martial Arts attack the outer body, while Kyusho attacks the inner. We looked at this idea a bit in the Blog on 5D but let's expand on this a bit: Outside: We as Martial Artists are all trained to hit the body, head, etc... and hit it hard, but let's...

Hong Kong

  Kyusho goes ashore in China. Daniel Obon our Certifying Instructor in Taiwan is continuing to spread Kyusho worldwide.  So far he is helping in Taiwan, Malaysia, Sinagapore, Argentina and other countries. From Daniel:  Still in HK after the first seminar...

Seiko Fujita

    Now Available 'Nanban killing style martial arts' the head family the Third 'Nin-jutu koga style' the Fourteenth His rare and incredible work on the inner secrets of the Martial Arts has finally been translated into English and truly...

Dim Mak vs. Kyusho

  Dim Mak / Dian Xue: 點穴 (Death Touch or Delayed Death Touch) Kyusho: 急所 (Vital Point) Although it appears they may be the same (most people working with either named classification claim this), as they both attack vital areas, they are very different... in their...

France 2014

  What can you say about Paris that hasn't already been said.  Well how about Kyusho just experienced a great expansion in talented instructors. Lets start with the instructors that taught these instructors... The great guys of Thonon; Patrick LeGauffre (Le...

Controlled Pair

  Anything worth shooting, is worth shooting twice! This is a shooters terminology, but it also relates to Kyusho. Wikipedia: A double tap or controlled pair is a shooting technique where two well-aimed shots are fired at the same target with very little time in...


  The application of timing, is a vital component for Kyusho application and a reason many people struggle to get Kyusho to work for them. Kyusho is all about unbalancing the physiological functionality of an opponent.  So with that in mind we can not strike two...