A Bubishi Key

A while back there was a blog post on some Fighting Images in the Bubishi that gave a key to deciphering the ancient manual. These were from Kenwa Mabuni's Bubishi and depicted the varying affects on the opponents nervous system.

These images are from Mabuni's Book;  “Seipai No Kenkyu” published in 1934 in Article 32; Shaolin Hand and Foot, Muscle and Bone Training Postures.  But they are also in other editions and all "Hidden in Plain Sight"... so look deeper at these two images, then cross correlate it to the full Bubishi's images and Articles.

Why are these images different?

The blog was about  Kenwa Mabuni and his coveted Bubishi (free complete dowload pdf of Seipai No Kenkyu in the Vlog), received from his teacher; Anko Itosu.  Just one more legendary Master and Style that worked with this information and method called Kyusho. These images are from Mabuni's Book;  “Seipai No Kenkyu” published in 1934 in Article 32; Shaolin Hand and Foot, Muscle and Bone Training Postures.  But they are also in other editions and all "Hidden in Plain Sight"... so look deeper at these two images, then cross correlate it to the full Bubishi's images and Articles.

The film above shows you the enactment of one of the images and the extended video describes the neurological affects.

Learn the application, the anatomy, tool, trajectory and see the affects in the private extended sections below.

#Kyusho -ep