Dali3The Two Directions (Yin and Yang)

There are two ways to view, literally and conceptually.

CAUTION:  This post rambles, however this is the nature of the conceptual beast.

Throughout our school years we are taught how to think literally, any creative thought is cast aside or shunned as it is more difficult to measure or for most literal thinkers, even understand. But society has progressed and new creations stemmed from conceptual thought (then managed through literal thought).  We look at those great conceptual minds of the past like Edison, Einstein and even those more on the fringe of society like Salvatore Dali.

In fact the Kyusho curriculum was built by studying and emulating the conceptual thinkers: Leonardo Da Vinci who hid his true intent and information by using backward and inverted instruction, Dali depicted structures within structures within yet more structures. And Sun Tzu chronicled how to understand and defeat the opponent even before the conflict with conceptual ideas presented literally.

Conceptual Thinking lets us see hidden value in all things that others may not see... looking at Dali as an example, he was a very controversial and prolific artist, no matter who you are or where you go everyone has heard of Dali... see Hallucinogenic Bullfighter image at the top, (click image for a larger version).

Many people look and see a mess, others will see one image, these are more literal thinkers.  As we move more to conceptual thought in progressive manner we see many images, then many recurring images, then many recurring images that comprise larger images that in turn are within images, we see patterns emerge that for yet more images yet all within the main context.  The most conceptual thoughts allow us to take all of the prior mentioned levels and link them all at the same time as focusing on each individual piece of the puzzle.  Then for those more ambitious and after the full concept, you must study the man, his work and life to see yet even more, and so it is in Martial Arts.

How can we relate this to our Martial Art and our Kyusho studies... well for starters if you do Kata or forms in your Martial Art, that is your library, but instead of taking exact moves and making them techniques, you freestyle fight and see what move you most naturally do.  Then determine what Kata you have been using by what actions came out spontaneously and consistently. Only envision targets and let your trained body and responses attain them.  See how everything you have done relates to the Kata you do and you will begin to grasp the essence of conceptual training.  If youdo not train Kata then you train actions, you can easily follow this conceptual thought process within any actions or set of actions as described above.

To gain further understanding in a more tangible way, the curriculum DVD's (all 16 of them, exceptins: Sil Nim Tao, Gock Ng Sing and Iron Shirt) are based out of one Kata (but please understand those elements are also in the Nai Hanch as well).  Our internationally acclaimed and utilized KTCP or Kids Program, our Womens Program, Sparring,etc. all are out of Kata Nai Han Chi.  You can now go back and review any of these and see the Kata come to sight.  And once you can see it you will always be able to see it from that time on... you have trained your conceptual thought and your full skill potential in Kyusho as well as Martial Art will be exponential.

Myamoto Musashi always talked in the abstract or conceptual, asking the reader to "study this well", Sun Tzu as well as all the great instructors.  This is one reason many of the secrets were hidden from most and still remain so... until now.

Opportunity: Step beyond your present mindset and let your thoughts wander on a subject.  A case in point, I always liked Dali's art, to me (and as more of a creative conceptual thinker), he allowed me into another conceptual world.  Well if I just literally appreciated his art, or even appreciated his way of thinking, I would have seen only what was presented... but by conceptualizing with it, it helped me see my Martial Arts and especially Kyusho in a very unique way.  But it does not stop there, for another aspect I also thought what a long career he has had at the time, he was in his eighties when it came through... all life in literal sense ends, but the thoughts continue, the worth of accomplishments continue.  First thing was to invest in some of his works...he will not literally last forever and at that time his worth will escalate in value as we can focus more time on study, appreciation and revelations we could not have with him still producing new concepts, thoughts and works. He has since passed as have great Martial Arts instructors, those with a unique spirit and conception of how they assimilated their arts.  The value of all of these great men (and Women) increases with time, but you must look beyond the surface and you must think conceptually.  Relate all you do to all else you do and so much can open for you, do not let the present educational system chain you down forever, break those chains and become unleashed.

As always this article only scratches the surface, first read all the embedded linked articles and comment or question.  Without this you may stay locked in first though or opinion and this information will not come to life for you.


