challengeBack at ya!

On the older forums we had a very popular set of postings called challenges, were we challenged you to work with Kyusho in a focused way and all discuss the findings.  People from all experience levels and from all overthe world participated and we all learned a ton...making these discoveries and helping so many achieve success was and still is thegoal of and hopefully all of you as well.

Well we are bringing them back to motivate you to greater skill and enjoyment of Kyusho.

So are you ready to go for it?

If so this will be more fun with more people.. so don't be shy use the comments below (but please keep on topic)!

 Challenge 1:

Ok.... the Malar Foramen and Malar Nerve is often called the Zygomaticofacial Foramen and Zygomaticofacial Nerve and is a great target that is very accessible in boxing or with fighters that drop their chin.

My challenge to you is to post any and all ideas on this great target as example a point designation (if it has one), angle and direction, uses, reactions, affects, etc.  Find videos of it being used in Boxing,Kyusho, Karate, etc... in short lets get it all out there so we can all learn and use this target more efficiently and practically.

Here is an old chart of this target, sorry not as detailed as our new subscription charts.

Who is up for the start... post below!


