Kyusho is a foundational pillar of all Kata

It has long been written by many masters of old, that anatomical Kyusho was a basis of their particular styles.

Anthony Rotella takes us through basic stages of Kyusho integration in Heian Sandan... including 4 Kyusho Knockouts.

  1. Kata
  2. Arms Attacks
  3. Head Attacks
  4. Body Attacks
  5. Leg Attacks
  6. Takedowns
  7. Grappling (standing or ground)
  8. Joint manipulation
  9. Weapons attack
  10. Kyusho Knockouts


Anthony Rotella
Location: Mansfield (MA)
Exclusive Certifying Instructor Level 4
Kyusho-Jutsu Kokusai Shihankai 急所術国際師範會 - 4th Degree Black Belt
Email - Click Here
Website - Click Here

This was a project to help spread Kyusho in Kata, showing not only the form and Basic Bunkai, but also using that Kyusho Bunkai in more spontaneous sparring.  It is to illustrate to the Kyusho beginner, how it could integrate within your style as well as how you can also build your Kyusho Kata.




#Kyusho  -ep