Quote from Budo International (the worlds largest Martial Arts Magazine)

"The great revelation of the last two decades"

"Master Pantazi presents us on this occasion a special video which focuses on personal defense, by selecting the 10 most common and effective Kyusho Points located in the human body. Depending on the type of aggression, grip or blow,Pantazi suggests a couple of applications for each point using quick techniques, with one or two simple movements, that will successfully solve such situations, for men as well as women. Also using these pressure points takes into account the legal aspect, by means of techniques that despite causing no causing visible damage, will produce pain and will bring abut enough dysfunction as to override the aggressor making us possible to escape. A true practicle guide complemented by a systematic handbook that explains every detail allowing even the uninitiated to enhance their defense capability.

Many of his DVD's are among the top-sellers of all times. For his quality and reliability, Master Pantazi has brought skills and knowledge of vital points up to a higher level among all the students around the world of Martial Arts."

It is truly rewarding to have decades of hard work be able to help so many around the world... but that is the Kyusho International mission and we will never sway from it.  Nor will we hide from the truth in disclosing our findings even if it is against our old beliefs as truth is the most important factor in life.

This web-sight, blog, vlogs, forum and other associated information sources we share are always advancing and setting the trend in Kyusho around the world as the leader in Kyusho education and certification.

For this we thank all of our current affiliates helping others, help others to achieve the benefits that Kyusho offers... we are the standard and we are fully committed to upholding that for the future.

Thank all of you for your interest, support and enthusiasm.

Instant Access to this best selling Kyusho DVD is only $29.00 order now.

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So many times we are fooled into thinking we need huge amounts of methods or techniques to accomplish our goals. But in actuality we need few, but we do need to have them mastered... this applies in all facets of life for success.

In Kyusho we strive to learn all the points that are vulnerable on the human body at first to feel complete. But the real truth is you only need a handful that you can apply in any circumstance and in the most severe or
limiting of physical possibility. When you are under attack and under the influence of the physical limitations of adrenaline, many targets will not be available, many need intricate techniques to cause an affect.  It is the quest of the Master to limit their information and rely on tried and true targets that will achieve success, not just add to a collection as a hobby.

This compilation of 10 points are such a group of "Vital Points" that can be used with impaired sight, physical strength and motion while applied with simple gross motor skills. They are devoid of esoteric notions of elemental qualities or innumerous theoretical combinations and quite frankly nonsense. Instead they are portrayed for what they are, what they can do and ideas on how to access them to give you a glimpse for your own personal journey.

My personal goal in Kyusho is to remove the myth, mystery and nonsense that is holding this art back in becoming the universally applicable knowledge. It is no different than applying a blood choke, it is effective, proven and imperative for any real Martial Artist. Use this text to refine the "Vital Points" of your personal arsenal.

© Evan Pantazi 2009

  • The popularity of this information is in it's adaptability for any one, it is for Women, Children and Men.  
  • You can learn it instantly even if you never studied self defense or martial arts.
  • Non damaging methods to escape the danger and not have further legal issues due to injury.


The study of Kyusho Jitsu vital points is an ancient and secret art, which was part of the secret protocols of different martial systems.  Evan Pantazi is one of the world's leading experts in the field. He has written many books and made a complete catalog of DVDs on different aspects of the issue. I personally asked him to select the most efficient 10 points of his researches in order to make, so to speak, a practical manual that would allow beginners, on one hand, to approach the application in self-defense scenarios, and experts, on the other hand, who will undoubtedly ask themselves why he has chosen those points among all the others.

The book is complemented by a DVD which explains in detail the techniques and sample situations to apply pressures, hitting or rubbing on specific points, where there are Gordian knots and areas concentrated of the nervous, tendon, muscle, skeletal, or myofascial systems, which can be manipulated and result in a collapse of normal body functions, even in the loss of motor function and consciousness.

The points work amazingly and you don’t need to be an expert to learn their use, that is why they can be very useful for self-defense in the case of people with little physical strength or no knowledge about martial arts or self-defense. However, for a correct application and good results, it is advisable to understand their effects, in order to get more advantage from their use. All this is perfectly explained in this manual I have the pleasure to introduce today.

Alfredo Tucci
Director/Editor of Budo International
Madrid, Spain


And thank you Budo International for seeing our vision through even through the controversy, naysayers, risk to you model and all of the exposure over the many years.  Here is to the next two decades!

Here is the free online magazine with Kyusho mentioned on pages 7-8, 37, 157-160 & 263.








