remoteOf your education...

This is a vital point and will determine your success.

Let's face it, you can only be as good as your information.... and there are infinite numbers of sources today with the advent of the internet, YouTube and multiple other media all competing for our attention.  You need to develop a noise filter if you are going to be able to ascertain what is useful and what is not.

Once you found this source work with it in all future endeavor to measure against the others and to again ascertain what information is the most up to date, realistic, simple and most importantly applicable (with sound scientific and or medical base).

As an example there are many old documents that depict vital targets such as the Bubishi, Fujita or Hohan Sokens Notes, even older original Chinese documents.  These have always been around and some circulated some not, these will not open the keys to understand them from an untrained eye, the information hides in plain site.

Recently we released the translation of Fujita's notes depicting the Kyusho Targets of some 20 plus old (and most obscure) schools.  To the reader it appears as any other old writing with targets pointed out with an added explanation (as with the Hohan Soken or Fujita notes) as to the medical ramifications of use.  Again these have all been publicly available some even published in many languages, but simply releasing these documents only reveals the outer shell, it does not add the correct context to make them useful or help the onlooker gain all it's value.

Lets take for example an old text on and old style White Crane... yes these books may be marketed (as were others), they may even contain translation, however this is not the full value.  In every writing there was a purpose be it record, explanation, documentation, etc.  But the full essence is not transferable by mere translation, even making a target or posture fit a technique will only be a surface or superficial use.  The full essence will be missed unless arduously researched, worked and correlated in relation to a solid context already built on... and Scientifically (or in Kyusho, Medically) sound.

Information (no matter the source) is and only can be as valuable if related to a real and workable context... and it is especially not just a series of techniques for Martial Arts.  As always this can not be rushed, this can not be just a simple endeavor.   Especially in respect to these old writings and documents, they are treasures that deserve a level of respect via arduous research, correlation and introspection... not just a quick release as the value is forever weakened and the history of originators or style tarnished with future generations severely limited, even hindered.

Our mission in Kyusho is to bring that value via deep and rigorous research in relation  to context, scientific and medical validation through experience not theory or mass production... as always consider the source.  And we bring you only what has been experienced after many years of actual use and more importantly context.


