Vital Points of Jyodan
(Upper Row) and Spots to be attacked
This is the first Kyusho Target listed in "Hohan Sokens Secret Notes" that we will explore each week with anatomical 3d video investigation and mapping.
In the early years of Karate and beyond that into Shaolin teachings, Kyusho was the foundation. Learning the weaker anatomical structures with the best tools to access them and the trajectory needed to cause the greatest affect, was the base. From there the technical body actions and systematization for training all emanated (in forms and katas).
In the Hohan Soken Secret Notes, we will be adding these extended videos with intro, anatomical study, original notes,modern uses (can't go around killing people), and many demonstrations of the affects.
To learn the method, targets and see the affect in real time, the extended films are located at these links:
#Kyusho -ep