
  The annual Kyusho Recognition Award nominations have been tabulated and the top 4 people in all categories listed. Please go vote for your choices free on the lower right hand of this page: Yes it is that time again at the 13th annual International Kyusho...

Kyusho Spreads

  Can't Stop It "The power lies within the individual that sees abundance and their potential to realize it". - Evan Pantazi It is not the past, it is not circumstance or government or rules or distance or any outside influence that holds one back, it is the...


  Humans invented time... or more accurately segmented life into mathematical designations. This is not usually an asset, but rather a restriction or control we place upon our world.  This in turn leads to competition (within ourselves) and stress which in turn...


No Better Teacher Kyusho suffers from an over abundance of theoretical crappola, spewed by instructors so caught up in unrelated paradigms that it leaves little time to actually train well. In fact many standard points thought to be reliable targets are virtually...

Why an organization?

  Just Cuz... Everyone has had mixed feelings with Martial Arts organizations. And many rail that they are all out for money, control, power and or ego. And honestly some may well be, but there are always more sides to consider even in an organization. So lets...