skeptical-babyAhh the inevitable question arises...

In the Yesss Post, a bold claim that this target or that would work on anyone, admittedly at first it may seem impossible but let's take a closer look so we can get real about this.

What if you jammed your thumb in someones eye... would that not have a predictable effect on everyone?

What if you quickly bent a finger 180 degrees sideways, would that not have a predictable effect on everyone?

You see there are somethings in life that can be predicted, that do have universal effect.. but still among us walk skeptics.   This may be due to a lack of anatomical knowledge and or experience as they are mired in another man made theoretical process instead of reality.

Skeptics are great for advancement and eventually will need to advance themselves or be lost to archaic or ineffectual approach.  Many people doubted Newton, Franklin, Edison (the list of forward thinkers that reshaped and advanced life is huge) as they made claims that were out of reach by those trapped in Normalcy Bias mode, or that needed to place a defensive front for their less forward thinking.  Even this statement will be dismissed with simple minded "skepticism"... or the will work to refute, but this is what drives the forward minded individual with open attitude and insatiable desire to improve upon the past.

What fuels skeptics most is fear, fear that they may need to change or become obsolete, or even that what they profess is flawed.  To the forward thinkers, they are not afraid to tell the world they have found another path that is far more efficient or effective or even beneficial to all.  The forward thinker is not afraid, does not care what others think, avoids their attempts to drag them back down to mediocrity or outdated irrelevance.  The forward thinkers seek answers, they seek truth, they seek advancement for all, yet the skeptic; like a crab in a bucket will try to drag one climbing out, back down to their depth.   It is easier to hide behind the shirt tails of others rather than to forge a new path that is more real or true... people tend to even hate or create false stories for those that seek more... or worse expose the inadequacies.  We struck a nerve folks !

And this is not the skeptics fault as society works to dull the peoples into complacency and stature of ego over true advancement.

However it is healthy to be a bit skeptical... but not blindly accepting of it, no it is far more important and beneficial to rise above and use that skepticism to push for the answers or changes in the current status quo.  Beware the professor that will not change or advance as they have themselves become outdated and merely spouting that which was as it is burned into long term memory and the easiest to access and espouse.

So what does this have to do with Kyusho?


Kyusho again means a vital target, that vital target in part is the advancement of the art and skill based on the past achievements of others.  It should not be hidden with false paradigm, ego or fear, it should be laid wide open so that all may benefit.  We should not be afraid to say the old paradigm is not correct, especially when there is tangible and older truths available such as the simple logic of old scrolls, writings and notes.

The world was skeptical of Kyusho as it was presented and many were turned off completely due to the mythical and inappropriate paradigm it was wrapped in.  With more realistic approaches, new and effective methods that are simple and based on actual structure created in original man, not conceived from theoretical man made models.  And now that the basics have been covered it is time to really show the simplicity and reality of Kyusho, hang on folks it's coming like a Tsunami.

At we will never rest, we will always push beyond the norm not weighed down by heavy chains or martial belts... we will continue to challenge your thinking so you may seek the freedom to advance beyond the norm (Normalcy Bias).



#Kyusho  -ep