Like the honed edge of the Katana
As mentioned in the prior Blog; Kyusho Eductaion, a tool is only good if you know how to use it through actual experience.
In Kyusho there are no pressure points, there are no special theories, there are no elements that make one stronger (other than actual experiential use of Kyusho in the dynamics of spontaneity).
Kyusho is not knowing, it is accessing the opponents weaker structures as opposed to working against their strengths and general being.
If you do not attack specific targets, you are too general in your skill, ability and affect, you must learn to sharpen your targeting as if sharpening the blade of your sword to be more efficient in cutting down the opponent.
Think of it this way:
When you are attacked it is not the external man that does it,this is just their body doing what the brain tells it to do consciously and subconsciously.
If you target the general body, arms, head, legs... you are attacking the last link in the process and will take more time, more difficulty, more skill and more stamina to stop or control that individual. This is grossly inefficient.
If you attack the internal structures, you will stop what causes the body to attack with greater efficiency, affect and less time.
This is what the mind, body and soul creed of the martial arts relates to (under attack not the developmental aspects) and must be realized. It is not the body that attacks you, it is the mind of the opponent that does, so you must attack the closest source or most efficient structures that shut down the mind...and consequently the body.
This is Kyusho.
- Take one Kyusho target only, work it to gain the affect... as example the Mental Nerve described below.
- Work with it with pressing and striking until you can easily gain the desired outcome.
- Then work in all manner of attack scenario as you can think with only this target in mind to control or incapacitate the opponent.
- For even greater skill; work it now under increasing stress, environments, situations, manner of dress, etc.
Then and only then add another Kyusho Target and use the same is never how much or how many points you know,it is always how good are you at getting to it.

The M-HN-18 lays on the Mental Nerve, located just under the corner of the mouth and in-between the lower edge of teeth and base of the jaw. This nerve exits the jaw bone from a small hole called a Foramen (this hole designated as the Mental Foramen).
Press: Pressing first inward toward the jaw and then down toward the throat will, open the mouth (or prevent biting), release all the neck muscles and weaken the entire body.
Strike: By striking this point down and in at a 45 degree angle toward the throat, you will cause dysfunction of the neck and body muscles, cause a withdrawal reflex of the head and a nauseous state. As it is attacked with more speed and power the effects will intensify to dizziness, altered vision and consciousness. This point is on both sides of the head and is attacked in the same manner.
This point has many physical effects on the recipient:
- Severe Pain
- Full body weakening
- Neck muscles release
- Physical dysfunction of the whole body
- Altered level of consciousness
- Nausea
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