Dear Evan,

I worked for the last day since Gary's departure from this world on a song. This is my way to say good bye. If you can include that into your communication channels feel free to use it is my own work - text and music... best regards

Manfred Meilner - Erlangen, Germany

This is my personal "Tribute to Gary Rooks."



He was one of those rare people who were always there for others when they asked for help. He never asked for money or any favor. He simply took his precious time to heal and help everyone in need.

If he hadn't been there, Andy wouldn't be alive today. I wouldn't have had another way to avoid having my thyroid removed because of Western medicine's theories about tumors. Many other students he also helped people take control of their health and heal conditions that were often beyond the reach of typical Western medicine.

I want—and feel the deep need—to pay tribute to Gary Rooks for his outstanding help to others. If the world were full of people like him, it would be a far better place.

Today, on my birthday, I have my favorite Scotch whisky, a gift from my students, and I am completely drunk. Yes, I admit it—his death touched me more than anything else because he was special. He embodied the vision of Kyusho International in his own unique way: "Help others to help others to help others." This very vision is the core reason why I am still part of this organization and continue practicing Kyusho within K.I., alongside many other things.

With this song, I want to inspire everyone to do the same - search the depths of the world, seek the formula of everything in everything, and help others so they, in turn, can help others. Instead of chasing only money and fame, think about the end of life - about the moment when you must face yourself in the mirror of your own being. Live a life worth remembering.

This is my Tribute to Grandmaster Gary Rooks. May he receive the rewards and all the good things he has earned for his next life. This is my humble request. We are all students of life, and we die as students - if we truly understand how life itself works. Take this song as it is. Remember what he did and use it as an example - not to copy him, but to emulate the essence of what he stood for and integrate that function into your own life, in your own way.

Because form without function destroys you.




He rode the currents of the unseen…
Master of knockouts, a healer in between…
He whispered to nerves, sang to the bones,
And where medicine failed - he brought them home.

They called him a madman, a wizard, a sage,
A lightning conductor outside of the cage.
With hands like thunder and a voice like the wind,
He read the body's circuits deep from within.

He spoke in sounds - fire and steel,
A shock to the system, a pulse you could feel.
A healer, a fighter, a breaker of chains,
Riding the currents inside of our veins!

Shockwave! Shockwave!
Running through the nerves!
Elemental sounds! The pulse it preserves!
Healing hands! Electric sight!
Gary Rooks, his spark survives

He knew the code of the body's design,
The organs, the nerves, the electric spine.
Western meds? They threw up their hands,
But he rewrote the laws with a touch and his crazy plans.

Shockwave! Shockwave!
Running through the nerves!
Elemental sounds! The pulse it preserves!
Healing hands! Electric sight!
Gary Rooks, his spark survives

But even the strongest must one day depart,
Not even a Grandmaster can restart his own heart.
Yet he had a crazy plan, a vision so wide,
Always seeking the spark, the truth deep inside.

Shockwave! Shockwave!
Running through the nerves!
Elemental sounds! The pulse it preserves!
Healing hands! Electric sight!
Gary Rooks, his spark survives

He left a ripple in the storm,
A current in the endless form…
Some say if you listen close,
You'll feel his light in every pulse.
Rest in peace, forever bright.

Grandmaster Gary Rooks has Passed away... our condolences for the family, friends and all those people around the world he helped with their education or health issues in their life. It is a great loss for all who knew him.

Gary Rooks, age 59, went to his eternal home on February 12, 2025. He was born June 8, 1965 to Carl and Veneda (Wyatt) Rooks.

Survived by his wife of 38 years, Tina Rooks and their children. Brittney (Nicholas) Bogan, Brandon Rooks, Bradley (Rebekah) Rooks and their twin girls due in May.

Gary was a 10th Dan Grand Master in the Art of Kyusho Kempo. Traveling the US & Europe for 20 plus years teaching and sharing his Art. Many also knew him as Clients of White Crane Holistic Arts, LLC where he practiced Acupressure as his career for 20 years.

Even with all his accomplishments in life, the most important to him was his family. Who he loved beyond measure, they will miss him greatly.

In Lieu of Flowers please consider making a donation to the Rooks Benevolence fund at Milford Christian Church or the Go Fund Me page created by Brittney Bogan on Facebook. As their children are making sure their mom can cover the expenses.

Click this link for all information

GoFundMe Links for the Rooks Family