Can they work?
Excerpt from upcoming book; "Bubishi Explained, through Pangai-noon (半硬軟)".
The Bubishi is a ancient compiled book by an unknown author or authors, consisting of a combination of body change methods of Tiger and Crane, much like the old Chinese boxing system known as Pangainoon. The manual also includes a study of the bodies weaknesses, restorative measures, tools to cause injury, as well as tactical methods for varying ranges of combat.
The reason for allowing the Pangainoon to be the vehicle of translation will become apparent as the chapters unfold. Although a seemingly whimsical approach, it is after almost three decades of research with this style, comparison, field testing, medical and scientific analysis as well as experimentation and validation, that I am presenting this compilation.
Due to the vast nature of the original manuals information, this book will focus only on the Martial or Combative aspects and not delve into the historical, medical or philosophical entries... that would take a lifetime.
Man there are some strange hand positions, postures and body actions in Kata's, especially the old Chinese styles, as represented in Okinawan Arts. Styles especially like Pangainoon (Uechi-Ryu) retained the old hand postures of the Bubishi and is one of the most unique Martial Arts in the world.
Why were these awkward or bizarre hand postures and movements included or more importantly, retained this powerful style... and can they actually be used in real combat?
Now at a distance most of these hand positions can be difficult to utilize properly and you may as well just punch and kick. But lets face it, at that range you are not really fighting, you are sparring or kickboxing. At distance we can see that successfully targeting a specific area is at best a 50-50 chance, but as an entering method, close range or grappled they are far greater in efficiency and affect over the typical ballistic approach. (we took a closer look at the use in Seisan... descriptions, anatomical images and filmed demonstration - click here but there is so much more possible with them).
These are weapons of close quarter combat, where power, velocity, range of motion and trajectory are all compromised. These weapons were not meant for full power attacks (also compromised by adrenaline affects), we can see several examples in the old Bubishi (see Blood Pool Hand Post).
The full array of these "Hands" can be seen with particular accentuation in the old Katas:
- Sanchin - Iron Bone Hand - Iron Sword (although once learned and practiced all hands are or can be integrated)
- Seisan - Intro to Shoken (modified single blade of grass for ballistic force) and Blood Pool Hand
- Sanseiru - Shoken (for tearing or deep internal penetration) and Iron Claw
- Suparempi - All prior with particular emphasis on Iron Palm
We fully admit when first seeing these hand positions and possibly even these Kata, the real possibilities are obscure... it is only through arduous and dedicated training do they come to life.