Written for all professional Martial Artists.
We all search for personal refinement and fulfillment, but more importantly we work tirelessly to help empower others. We all strive to help them become more confident, fit, and proud. We are constantly looking for even greater benefit and value for each.
Kyusho as we all understand, means “Vital Point”, but most get caught purely in the physical realm.
The martial arts are (and have been) changing, but there are those that refuse to change. Most Instructors cling to old archaic ideas and foreign traditions that are not jiving with modern thought, interest and cultural advance.
You have seen it time and time again when "senseis" even of great stature and following, fade into obscurity and lose everything. It is the same all over the globe… the once main instructor or martial model fades… but why would this "celebrity" this very important figure, this omnipresent style fade?
Because they did not change with the wants and needs of society.
We can see this now with the other Kyusho groups, we can see it also in some of our past and present instructors. Yes life and the world is changing and the discretionary income for "Martial Arts", is quickly diminishing. You need to be prepared and in position to capitalize on this.
One of the reasons that Kyusho is not yet universal in acceptance (besides a lot of hokey crappola taught and of course false prophets of it), is that people only concentrate on the physical, trying to make themselves the biggest and baddest. But in their over exuberance in the physical, they miss so much in the other realms that would comprise a total warrior. What good does it do if you are the highest skilled martial artist if another with stronger spirit overwhelms you, or when the mental warrior sets you up to defeat yourself?
As a professional we see people jump from fad to fad looking for something and never finding it. The look to do something in order to find something that will fill emptiness in themselves. They do this so that they can share experiences with others and let them know they found something… only to lose interest in time as it was not the fulfillment they sought.
Intrinsically all people are looking for mental, spiritual and physical understanding and fulfilment. They want to know themselves and their potentials, but many are left still looking. The Arts can have all of this and many professionals strive to help their members in all three areas…but still there can be something missing. That is the inner potentials of the traditions of a particular style, lost to antiquity. Kyusho is that answer, that meaning of the dichotomy of yin and yang… understanding the inside and out, the healing and the hurting, this is what fulfills.
However there is a structure and systematic process for developing these vital areas to become a complete Martial Artist inside and out. Is it more work for you the professional to learn this, yes of course, but will it have added value for your members, absolutely. But you must also beware as Kyusho instruction is not all the same, you must find the best that will satisfy all the needs of those who seek your help.
We leave you with a shameless plug that can increase your value to your members, school and style. In turn it will also yield a personal value only you will know… a deep satisfaction, a return to the original Arts and of course revenues to continue doing what you love… helping people. How do we know… well in just 11 years the process has helped close to 700 affiliated instructors in over 35 countries around the world gain more value for their members, therefore more members. They learned a dynamic of shared growth and a deeper understanding of not only the Martial Arts but the human being as well. We are here to help you as well.
US Martial Artists, you should attend the New York course. (by the way this has far greater reach than any other program we have implemented).
Thank you for your time…we will return to the physical mechanics of Kyusho and Dim Mak in the next blog.