47-roninKnowledge is not Education

It's not what you know in Kyusho, it's how you train it and put it into real actions in a varied and dynamic sense that educates you. 

- Evan Pantazi.

It is not that you know Kyusho, many do and can mimic YouTube demonstrations... but how do you assimilate it into your abilities is the question.

Most professors or teachers specialize in teaching knowledge, but do not specialize on the organization or the use of knowledge.  This will not enable success unless it is organized in intelligently directed and spontaneous actions to attain the specific goal intended.  As example you cannot just give a person a theory on a specific Kyusho Point, tell them 4 or five cycles that it follows and expect that person to use it realistically.

This is what has confused many Kyusho practitioners through the years as they erroneously believe that "Knowledge is Power"... this should be instead that "Knowledge is only Potential Power". It only becomes power when it is trained in definite response of action directed toward the physical goal

Or in simple terms; trained more than explained.

The missing link for most is in the failure to teach students how to use the knowledge in small incremental stages that allows them to assimilate it thoroughly, and deploy it naturally and spontaneously, after they received it.

The real meaning of the word educate stems from the Latin word Educo, meaning; to reduce, to draw out, to develop from within. An educated man is not one who has an over abundance of knowledge, he is one that so developed his mind and body from experience, so that he may draw benefit from new and changing dynamics.

The reality is this Kyusho is a tool like a sword that gives you greater potential in a battle... but merely holding one guarantees nothing unless the opponent has only their hands and even then there are no guarantees.  The one who trains that tool more and develops in more realistic ways will be victorious over those mired in the theory and static practice (knowledge).  Physical experience occurs whenever an object or environment changes as the individual relates and responds to observable dynamics in these changes.

Any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be considered educational.

There is no time in a stressful situation to attempt a technique, there is no time to think of a specific combination or process.  Learning techniques or static methods cannot possibly prepare you for spontaneous fights.  You must prepare by training in completely spontaneous dynamics so that instinct and proper body response is developed and while physical limitations brought on by fear and unknown qualities diminishes.

A weapon is only good if you know how to use it.... learn that now - Click Here

