Press Release:
Patrick McCarthy Hanshi is a Japan-accredited 9th Degree Black Belt, and 5th generation student of Okinawan Karate with an impeccable lineage of Okinawan master instructors; starting with his teacher Kinjo Hiroshi and his teacher's teacher, Hanashiro Chomo, Itosu Ankoh who preceded him, and his master, Matsumura Sokon Uncle to Hohan Soken), — historically the tradition's most visible pioneer. A Canadian-born Australian migrant, McCarthy has studied the art of karate since childhood, and enjoyed an outstanding competitive background, before embarking upon a lengthy journey as a field-researcher in Japan, where he ultimately resurfaced as a best-selling author. Responsible for having developed the first academic undergraduate martial arts course anywhere in the world, McCarthy is best known for his discovery and English translation of the ancient Bubishi, of which he is regarded its leading authority.In an effort to help develop a definitive source through which to preserve, impart and gain authentic accreditation and worldwide recognition and accreditation, two of the leading authorities of the fighting arts (Hanshi Patrick McCarthy and Grandmaster Evan Pantazi), have come together to establish the Kyusho-Jutsu Kokusai Shihankai 急所術国際師範會 [International Association of Kyusho-Jutsu Master Instructors].
Patrick McCarthy: Chairman
Evan Pantazi arguably the most prolific exponent of the ancient art of Kyusho-Jutsu, American martial arts authority is internationally known for his cutting-edge research, catalogue insightful books, educational DVD's and hands-on instructional seminars. Regarded as a grandmaster he's traveled the world many times over spreading and his contributions to the art have truly set precedence. Researching the truth of Kyusho as well as dispelling the myth and mystery that surrounds this body of knowledge, Pantazi has designed the first true international Kyusho curriculum to enable others to learn in a logical progression that achieves high degree of success in minimal time.
Together, McCarthy and Pantazi are two of the most knowledgeable and sought after instructors anywhere in the world today. With them they bring unprecedented opportunity for any and all seeking to gain worldwide recognition and accreditation in this venerable art of Kyusho Jutsu.
Evan Pantazi: Technical Director
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We now have more that successfully tested, some in KI some out of KI.
Why would someone in KI test? Well it gives them a valid ranking in Kyusho-Jutsu with true lineage, it gives them the ability to work and help others outside of the KI program which is a coaching program primarily and it gives them legitimate rank to use it helping others later. It has no membership to any organization it is truly open to all no matter of style, rank or other organization… because of this you will be able to help many others you otherwise would not.
Why would someone outside KI test? to become accredited to teach and test people in a true lineage and internationally practiced curriculum that is open and free of membership or organizational structure. This accepted and used curriculum is a powerful as it is set in stone for everyone so that everyone may now know their true skill ability on a global scale.
In other organizations there is no set standard so there is no real way to measure actual skill, the ranks are mostly political marketing. This new structure is devoid of all the baggage that goes along with such a system… I believe this is a powerful and will be a very popular choice for those that just want to train on their own then be tested and certified at any Kyusho Venue worldwide. This will become a powerful tool for any and all Kyusho enthusiasts and instructors in the upcoming years.
Thanks Evan for the recognition of 1st dan. I will work to advance the Kyusho and your teachings.
Da oggi la mia scuola collaborerà, una volta la settimana, con una scuola di Brasilian Ju Jitsu per uno scambio di tecniche ed applicazioni nel grappling. Porterò il Kyusho nei vari allenamenti e prenderò quanto di più utile per il controllo a terra.
Now my school work together, once a week, with a school of Brasilian Jiu Jitsu for an exchange of techniques and applications in grappling. I will bring Kyusho in various training and take the most useful for ground control.
Complimenti per le nuove cinture nere, soprattutto al mio conterraneo Marcello
Congratulations on the new black belts, especially to my fellow countryman Marcello
Grazie Sebastiano !
Next Stop: Prague, Czech Republic – April 13 & 14, 2013
Ottenuto il mio 3° Dan nel Kyusho Jutsu Kokusai Shiankai ormai da quasi 2 anni abbiamo effettuato gli esami per il 1° Dan anche a componenti di altre organizzazioni, verificandone se il livello aquisito fosse nello standard qualitativo che il KJKS richiede ai loro qualificati. Fiero di farne parte e di esserne un attivo promotore di una così prestigiosa organizzazione.