kickboxingKyusho Style

There is a specific way to throw that punch, elbow, knee or kick to cause more physiological dysfunction in the opponent than mere speed, power or strength.  This is the efficiency enhancer that is Kyusho, working against the frailties of the human anatomy for advantage in combative need.

Now we fully understand that speed, strength and power are all capable of overwhelming an opponent and as such all in this area of Martial training are focused on it.  However each of us has (steroids and drugs aside)....

a limit on our capabilities with this focus only in training.


So how can one develop further, or offset the opponent that has superior attributes over ours?  The answer is to refine your skills beyond speed, strength, power, timing, endurance, etc. and focus on more vulnerable targets on the opponent.  The way fighters train now is with general targets like the head, the ribs, the abdomen, etc. depending on the venues rules of engagement.

Many say that you can not hit a pressure point in a real fight, but that is due to their lack of training with it... it also stems from their mis-conception of the science due to static Kyusho videos on YouTube or other social media rather than real training (and not just one seminar or video).  They train for hours a day,years to gain the skill in the ring, but then also expect that Kyusho should work for them instantly or it is deemed unusable... but that is only their perception and paradigm they are fighting.


Bronze Subscribers:  Click Here - More about "Kickboxing..."

  • Bronze level -double the information
  • Platinum level - corresponding video

 Once each month we will be working a more intense Blog posting for your training, these will be more comprehensive with far more detail and vital information.  Bronze members will access double the information, with charts affects, Platinum will also recieve the Vlog that corresponds to the information so they can fullylearn and adapt it to their skills.


