Lets take a look at a movement (not slighting anybody), that I saw on YouTube. It was presented in conventional Martial Arts terms, but I want to show you the difference about working in Kyusho as opposed typical Martial Art limits.

The video was a form (San Zhan), that was assimilated to Seisan. In this San Zhan form (and different forms such as the Seisan, Saifa, Hangetsu, etc.), you have the hands, one coming up and one down simultaneously. The actions in all of the forms are similar, however some will use palms, some use the Single Blade of Grass Hand, some even use the Blood Pool Hand. All are slightly different, but in this form the hands drop first, then one hand loops around as the next hand rises as the body shifts to the side.

The drop and loop in the typical explanation presented in the film is presented by an attacker grabbing the back of my arm of a victim. The loop is a swing to the rear over the assailants arm to then capture their arm as a reversal.

This is a great technique for a beginner as that's all they need to know in the beginning of training the form, to give a quick explanation. But for the Kyusho Practitioner we then would add the nerve attack to the arm, so their hands would start feeling for the Vital Targets and to gain greater affect over the opponent.

I want you to read even further into it...

#Kyusho -ep
