Savièse, Switzerland
November 15 & 16 2014
Hot on the heals of this years International Convention in Azores was the Savièse, 3 day course... one day instructing Kilian Forclaz and Roan Morand (as well as proctoring their preliminary testing) and two days of public and KI affiliate training. People from Switzerland, France, Italy and Germany attended and worked diligently gain more understanding and capability with each session.
We started at Sensei Roan Morands School of Shorin Ryu and Kobudo training privately with Sensei Morand and Forclaz. Working the third level of the Kyusho Health and Wellness program, the new systemic methods and then their testing for more advanced levels.
Then warming up for the testing with drills and a KO added, Roan Morand with an opening move from Kata.
Kilian Forclaz also gearing up with a slow sparring KO.
Here is the spectacular view we had at Sensei Roan's home where he graciously served lunch during the private training day...Mount Blancand the top of the Matterhorn in that scene... dang!
Saturday we arrived at the brand new training facility overlooking wine country and the Swiss Alps... wow!
Before the start.
Chrystal's first KO.... Nice touch
Patricia's first KO... Whoa!
The sessions started with the Ba Duan Jin energy exercise, then how to use it in Martial Arts with striking, grabbing, Iron Shirt and then into more advanced concepts... including the newer systemic approach with the CI of Evian France in attendance as well as Kilian and Roan in the new methods.
Thank you to Kyusho-VS committee, namely Roan Morand for his help in organizing and Serge Cina for pictures and updated website.
Thank you for support, and Patricia Lisiane for Home, James for translation.
Thank you all for the hospitality, lack of ego and diligent training!