The Ba Duan Gin is essential to develop and maintain the balance of all energies as well as making the body supple enough for energies to flow unimpeded.

This exercise is to maintain balance so the manipulation of your energy does not have adverse affects.
It is also to teach the individual how to disperse the rising energy throughout the body.

The Macro-cosmic orbit we learned in the step before by itself will eventually lead to difficulties for the practitioner. As with any endeavor, without balance there will be setbacks.

The number of times you practice can exceed the recommended 3, but with this comes a few cautions:

1. What ever number of repetitions you do for the first posture, you must maintain for all of them (to keep the balance).

2. If you practice this for more repetitions, it becomes increasingly more time consuming. This typically starts a person into skipping a day, which sets them back.

3. If you work this more than once a day, you will have the same issues as in #2, with the added difficulty of too much energy work and other problems with sleep patterns, fatigue and other issues.

Balance is the main reason for the Ba Duan Gin, it should be respected.

Preliminary Process - Click Here

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See the other knockouts and learn how to do them in the extended film

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