by admin | Nov 25, 2014 | Protection
Savièse, Switzerland November 15 & 16 2014 Hot on the heals of this years International Convention in Azores was the Savièse, 3 day course... one day instructing Kilian Forclaz and Roan Morand (as well as proctoring their preliminary testing) and two...
by admin | Nov 23, 2014 | Health, Protection, Wellness
A huge success! Hosted by Ricardo Castro of Ponta Delgada, San Miguel Island in the beautiful Azores Islands. November 7, 8 & 9, 2014 Azores - With 23 sponsors! This was the 14th annual International Kyusho Convention, where Kyusho instructors from around the...
by admin | Nov 21, 2014 | Protection
The new model We have continuously refined our training in Kyusho dramatically over the years with many realizations and advancements as the outcome each time. 1. We went from virtually no knowledge (just wishful thinking) based on movies, myths and antiquated...
by admin | Nov 14, 2014 | Health, Wellness
International Academy of Modern Acupressure Gary Rooks has been tirelessly working in acupressure for over a decade mapping the human bio-electrical response. He has helped so many depart from the serious issues that plagued them; from Turrets Syndrome to lighting...
by admin | Nov 7, 2014 | Protection
"You can not get out of prison if you do not know you are in one." Quoted from Wallace Wattles - 1910 Lead, Don't Follow Good instructors do not try to teach techniques, they show you how to learn for yourself. Many profess to be teachers that can show you what to...