Hey Coach

Hey Coach

  Vital Call! Coaches, Instructors and Ringside Medics Mixed Martial Arts, The Martial Arts and Boxing (and all professional contact sports, or sports where contact occurs frequently), can not ignore it any longer.... Kyusho happens in the ring, on the mat, in...

Kyusho Discussion 4

    Hanshi Patrick McCarthy - Brisbane, Australia August 11, 2015 After many years of correspondence with Hanshi McCarthy we were finally able to have an online discussion with him regarding Kyusho, the Bubishi and many interrelated aspects. This discussion...
Who Says

Who Says

  Kyusho is not real??? It's a "Fairy Tale" Well you just pissed off a fairy for sure! No kidding, what most Martial Artists rant against Kyusho is it not being real, even when done right in front of them... they still do not see. (aren't you glad you are of a...
Kyusho Discussion 3

Kyusho Discussion 3

  Master Instructors (Shihan) These indivduals have reached the High Level Instructorship and have been in Kyusho for many years and that have reached and tested for practitioner skills and instructional abilities. They have also been awarded the title of Shihan,...

Learning Kyusho

  How do I learn Kyusho? It will depend on the level of education you are looking for: Of course there are the instructors with hands on first and foremost, however many are not in easy travel distance to one. That is where we have a great success, in helping...