Revival and Restoration


Kyusho International has alway researched the deeper mechanisms behind Kyusho, we were not satisfied with the (now proven unrelated) theory of pressure points and the aspects of Acupuncture as the practical model.

This is not to dismiss Acupuncture as a viale health related program, it simply is not related to Kyusho.  The fact that many "Pressure Points"do overlap the deeper real anatomical targets of Kyusho is just coincidence as they are not always overlying, nor are they encompassing of the entire workable structure underlying.

Our research has never stopped in the scientific and medical correlations, however we do not readily release for public consumption, our findings.  This is a brief description of the mechanics behind the Kyusho Restorations (revivals are a more popular term used by many, but not fully explanatory or correct).



What Really Happens


In the theory of the fighting art of Kyusho Jitsu (vital target fighting) and the use of Revival (restoration) of vital structures that have been attacked on the human body.  It is important to understand what happens to the body during the event of the attack to a vital structure.  To understand this process it is important to look at Anatomy, Kinesiology and Bio-Mechanics to see the process of events occurring in the body being struck at each structure.  First the brain is divided in a conscious system/Cranial and Peripheral nerve function; this allows the brain to control by thought 20% of the body function.  The sub-conscious system; Cranial and Autonomic nerve controls 80% of the brain and body’s involuntary function.  The brain sends a bio-electric signal that is recorded as .05 electric signal that is recorded as a .05 electrical volt from the brain to the body and the body back to the brain.  It’s this .05 volt that the Oriental’s consider (Chi) energy that runs through the human body.  A vital structure/s is a hot spot of multiple reactions that cause a multitude of reactions in the body at the time of attack.  Let’s look at the reactions and effect of striking a vital structure/s to the human body.

The Skin (this is the first layer)

*Structure and receptors.

  1. Hair (nerve endings –stimulated by movement of hair)
  2. Sudoriparous Gland (sense of touch to the surface of the skin)

These two receptors are the first of the body’s sensory system of initial contact.  These are the immediate sense of the feeling of touch.

Epidermis (This is the second layer)

  1. Corneal layer, this is where the sudoriparous gland runs from the dermis, through epidermis and comes to the surface of the skin. This is the second sensory monitor right after the hair has been in contact with.

Dermis (This is the third layer)

  1. Free nerve endings (meridians, vital structure/s/peripheral nerve, and extraordinary structure/s) Autonomic nerves (vital structure/ss) pain and touch sensitive.
  2. Krause Corpuscle – nerve ending is sensitive to cold.
  3. Pacinis Corpuscle – nerve ending is vital sensitive. It reacts with free nerve endings.
  4. Ruffinis Corpuscle – nerve endings that are heat sensitive.

Merkle disks – they are located inside the dermis and they make up the sheath that encloses a biconvex disk connecting to a nerve ending, which are sensitive to continuous tactile stimulation.

Meissner’s Corpuscle – they are located on the outer surface of the dermis, they are made up of a cluster of nerve endings enclosed by a sheath, and these are touch sensitive.

All these sensory nerve fibers and receptors start from the surface of the skin; they pass through the spinal cord and arrive at the cerebral trunk in bundles.   They cross through the Thalamus and end in the brain cortex.  These signals produce a cross extensor reflex movement a fifth of a second from the spinal cord before the brain perceives the sensation of pain.

When you strike to an area of a vital structure/s (depicted in many ancient charts, scrolls and writings) all of the above mentioned structures are involved.  As example, if you strike the upper inside forearm, there is a branch of the radial artery and vein.  The radial nerve is a slow twitch muscle fiber area (peripheral nerve), it affects the control a person would have consciously, then a fifth of a second later it affect the fast twitch muscle fiber. These affect the autonomic nerves of the involuntary brain causing the recipient to lose control of the joints and muscles then buckling under the unsupported weight to drop them to the ground.  The cross extensor reflex action occurs which causes the person turning 45 degrees away from you, the opposite arm extends behind them and the head turns to the direction of that same arm.   The turning of the head quickly, affects the brain by disruption of the nerve signal and the brain coming in contact with the inside of the skull.  The turn of the head over stimulates Ascending Cervical Artery, the Great Auricular Nerve, the Cutaneous Nerve, Lesser Occipital Nerve and the Accessory Nerves, this is the location in the side of the neck between 3rd and 4th cervical vertebrae and this is where the right or left side of the brain crosses over a communication to the opposite side of the body.  Striking this nerve will cause a vital structure/s knockout.




This unconscious state is caused by a lack of communication electrically from the brain to the body and the body back to the brain, which now needs to be revived and restored.  The fast twitch muscle fiber and the slow twitch fiber will be affected in muscle contraction/s, which will cause the nerve from having a normal bio-electrical flow.  Using the different revival vital structure/s are necessary to reestablish a person to consciousness.  Head, Heart and Lung revival structure/s need to be applied by activation.

For head revival the Spinal Accessory Nerve is used, this nerve runs down the hollow of the neck on either side of the spine.  It is involved with fast twitch muscle fiber in the involuntary nerves and the voluntary nerves of the brain.  By gently slapping and massaging these nerves, it wakes up the head involuntarily and consciously (also restores normalcy in bio-electric function).  This is the same nerve corner men massage and apply ice to for boxers between rounds.

For Chest Constriction, the Third Thoracic Spinal Nerve/Lung Associated Nerve (some like to refer to as BL-13) and the fourth Thoracic Spinal Nerve/Pericardium Associated Nerve (referred to by some as BL-14).  And the Fifth Thoracic Spinal Nerve/Heart Associated Nerve (referred to as BL-15).  These structure/s are affected by the constriction of muscle associated with the nerves of the Dermatome of the Diaphragm. The Diaphragm and Thoracic nerves constriction have to be released for restoration.  When slapping these three nerves it releases the short circuit of electrical signal with the fast twitch muscle and the slow twitch muscle that has been contracted, this will allow the Diaphragm to release its constriction.  It also reconnects the communication of the voluntary and involuntary brain and the associated nerves reset the positive breakers (communication transfers).  The negative poled nerves (autonomic or unconscious system) reset the negative breakers.  These unconscious and conscious nerves of the reconnect the electrical signal of the organs back to the brain.  Then the brain back to the body and then the brain and the body reconnect back to electrical communication and restores organ function.

Another common vital area is located around the area acupuncturists label SP-17 (under each nipple one inch and over 1 inch to the side body), is in actuality Fifth Intercostal Nerve.  It is used for Intermediate Lung revival/restoration.  This vital area is found within the fast twitch muscle fiber and will cause a constriction that causes the persons diaphragm to keep them from breathing normally.  When taking open hands and slapping these structure/s on both sides of the torso (simultaneously), it will release the torso muscle constriction.  It will reconnect signal to the voluntary and involuntary brain and reestablish electrical signal from the brain to the body and the body back to the brain.  This will in turn restore normal breathing and reset the receptors that control the heat and cold monitoring of the body.  This is a very brief explanation of how vital area striking will affect the body and the brain. Also how vital area revival/restoration will reestablish the body’s electrical disruption and bring the body back to normal function.


This study was conducted by a team of medical professionals as follows.  Dr. Joe Sheppard,   Jessica Kestler M.S., Ph. D., Jeff Wyatt R.T., T. , Gary Rooks Prof. (A.P.P.S.), CFT, Ninth Level Kyusho Jitsu, Kyusho International.  Written and presented in conjunction with Evan Pantazi founder of Kyusho International and





Do all Kyusho Practitioners know this level of information, no only Kyusho International Affiliates and now you.

