Vlog = Video Log
This will be the first in a monthly video presentation answering your questions, discussing various targets, reactions, affects, methods and any and all areas of Kyusho.
It will be integrated along with special sections exclusively for Platinum Subscribers... as our commitment to service and your full Kyusho Education.
In this introductory Vlog not only introduce the service but also tackle the most popular question I get via email, seminars, Facebook and other communications.
It is a more personal approach to your learning and really understanding this amazing thing called Kyusho.
We will have videos of KO's with critique that will better help you understand covering, tools, KO's, techniques, energy transfer, affects, revivals and all aspects of Kyusho.
This service will also stand as our Platinum Subscribers ongoing new releases with clips from international seminars and classes, workouts, explorations, studies, short documentaries and more. Our aim is to keep you on the cutting edge and ahead of all the others in the field.
We invite you to get this new addition to the Kyusho.com experience along with Anatomical Charts, Full Video Releases, Archives and so much more as we continually update and advance your horizons in Kyusho... click here for the Platinum Subscription
My first Point of focus mentioned in the Video:

Next Vlog is on the two day Brainwave study we recently concluded. If you are interested in the science and what Kyusho really does to the body, this is a great topic.
You will see two of the many KO’s (with targets right out of the Bubishi)… you will see the real time 3D mapping of the brain and the connections.
Exclusively for our Platinum Subscribers – Click here: https://www.kyusho.com/membership-options/platinum-membership/?s2-ssl=yes to become one!
Next Vlog scheduled for the 7th of March is a good one with about 30 minutes on the electrical systems if the body and how to work with them.
Them the April issue is on an extremely power yet overlooked target in the world of Kyusho. Do you want to affect the sight, hearing, balance, consciousness and more all in one shot?
No set ups.
No theories.
No BS.
Just a one shot deal? Well you need to wait for the April Vlog… Sorry.
el punto de pulmón 8 al ser presión hacia el pulgar cerca del hueso radial
algunas persona pueden no afectar ese punto
yo le hice presión a dos alumnos funciono muy bien pero a otra dos persona no le afectaba para nada existe alguna explicación
me despido atte
This posting is not on that subject.
You may use the discussion forum at the Bronze subscription level for this question.