Podcast 26 – Kyusho Impaling Method

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When is a Parry Not a Parry

When we look at our Martial Arts, Style, Actions, Postures, Etc., we often only see one idea, method or possibility. Most stylists also use mostly defensive moves prior to an offensive action (if they even get the chance), leaving greater opportunity for the opponent.

There are several Martial Styles (mostly the grappling or pushing arts), that use the opponents own force, strength, attack, against them. But very few striking styles employ this method. The striking stylist typically utilizes a defensive action with a following offensive action and can often find this gives a skilled opponent more attacking opportunity.

By using the incoming action of the opponent toward us, we can overcome their attack with an instant offensive action, letting them run into that attack. Using Kyusho, to allow the opponent to impale themselves, is imperative as the force is typically less than an outward concussive attack would be. So using weaker anatomical targets and structures with a properly placed tool or weapon (hand, fist, elbow, etc.), will give the practitioner greater affect with less force.

As we see in the opening part of the film, we can convert a simple Parry Action into a weapon or stake upon which the opponent runs into. This is not the fingertips in this use case, but rather the knuckles on the back of the hand. As we make the parrying action with that hand, it is done with a rolling action of the hand and knuckles, to allow the opponent to impale themselves with the correct trajectory for this target.


In this demonstration, the Mandibular Branch of the Facial Nerve was the target, however there are many valid and effective targets surrounding this this area as well that will accomplish the same level of incapacitation. This allows a greater margin of error on intended targets for the practitioner and give a greater chance for the opponent to disable themselves. These targets have same necessary trajectory and there are yet others that will require a slight trajectory alteration, yet still in the same hand arm actions. This allows for size differences between the opponent and the practitioner, As an example if the opponent is the practitioners size or shorter, the downward and outward rolling action of the hand will correctly impale the following targets:

  1. Manibular Branch of the Facial Nerve (Demonstrated Target)
  2. Buccal Branch of the Facial Nerve (just above (and below) the demonstrated target)
  3. Zygomatic Branch of the Facial Nerve (just above the Buccal Branch target)
  4. Temporal Branch of the Facial Nerve (just above the Zygomatic Branch target)
  5. Mental Nerve (just forward of the demonstrated target)
  6. Great Auricular Nerve (on the neck muscle)
  7. Transverse Cervical Nerve (on side of neck muscle)

If the opponent is larger than the Practitioner, there are also targets in the vicinity that can be applied with the same action on a rising trajectory as well. Although there are fewer, they will still accomplish the same disabling affect.

  1. Lower Branch of the Mandibular Branch Facial Nerve (pinched under the Jaw bone)
  2. Zygomatic Branch of the Facial Nerve (pinched up under the Zygomatic bone)
  3. Infraorbital Nerve (just beside the nose)
  4. Supraorbital Nerve (pinched under the eyebrow)

If by chance the opponent is that much larger so that the head and or neck targets are unreachable,there are many targets also on the torso. So we can readily understand that there are a myriad of possibilities in a given action or posture when Kyusho is utilized. Do not limit yourself to one presented idea, allow your intuition, creativity and actions flow to also allow your Kyusho to flow!

#Kyusho -ep
