Law Enforcement
KTCP: Kyusho Tactical Control Program - Law Enforcement
Agents as well as their associated Agencies are under public scrutiny more than at any other time in History. The use of force issue is one that is realizing fierce public attention and enforcement, which is making the field Agent’s work all that much harder as well as dangerous to their personal well being and safety. Whereas the brave Men and Women are facing more brutal and uncaring criminals, with little regard for life, they, the ones charged with protecting us from this vile element, are being forced to treat the criminal with sensitivity and regard to protect them from even minor injury.
Agents and Agencies Are at a disadvantage that is being pressed upon them by governmental bureaucracy at an alarming pace, which in turn is embolden the criminal element even more. The criminals know the legal limits imposed and work it against the unfortunate Agents caught in the middle. It is in light of this dilemma that the KTCP has been developed.As each situation or event an Agent faces has stages of possible escalation, this program has been designed for such probabilities. These stages begin not with initial stages of confrontation such as verbal commands, but where the event escalates to the need for control and restraint. Such restraints and controls as preparation and administration of physical control, search, initiating and actual handcuffing to lifting the perpetrator from the prone position for transport.
Not only for Law Enforcement, but all Emergency Response Professionals, this program is in use throughout the world as the premiere Control Program. It is quickly replacing previous programs in the USA, Portugal, Sweden, Germany, Italy and beginning in even more.
Emergency personnel from Doctors and Nurses, to Paramedics, Private Security, Corrections, Bodyguards, Firefighters and all First Responders of all fields can learn, apply and benefit from this incredible program! Module 1 was released in 2008 receiving POST approval in three states in 1 year from release... (Arizona, Missouri and Nebraska).
This is a major success for the KTCP and for the people that sign onto it. Not only do they get training in techniques that can save their life and career, they get CE credits in top of it. It is fast becoming the pre-eminent Law Enforcement Training Program.
This program has 4 modules, the first two are offered to the public, Modules 3 and 4 exclusively for those certified in prior Modules. Your computer must support flash video.
This is not a license to teach this program, we reserve all rights, to become a licensed instructor: Contact us - click here
We have Post Certified training programs for you or your division, we have an international base of instructors that can work with you or your department. Contact us - click here
Agent Endorsements:
Here are a few comments from Law Enforcement agents from various countries and what they say about the Program.
New York - USA

Lieutenant Gary Gione (Ret.)
Elite Defensive Tactics
2023 Crompond Road
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
(914) 962-3267
For twenty years and twenty days, I served in the largest Police Department in the world, the N.Y.P.D. I have effected and or supervised over 5,000 arrests in my career.My first meeting with Evan came in the early 90's at a martial arts seminar. I was immediately impressed by his teaching ability and proficiency as a professional martial artist. I knew then that I had to surround myself with the most knowledgeable and technically proficient people if I wanted to increase my chances for survival on the streets of New York.I can remember many times when I had to use the applications of Kyusho on uncooperative perpetrators. This was done in order to protect myself and escape without injury. Without this specialized knowledge, the outcomes of these encounters might not have been in my favor. Knowing Kyusho, I felt like I had an advantage over the criminals. This gave me increased confidence to handle the various tasks that police officers are required to perform.I strongly urge every police department’s training units to incorporate these training methods into their physical training in their respective police academies. I firmly believe that this type of training would severely decrease police officer liability and give the officer another tool in their arsenal to use in the war on crime. Safety and practicality is very important to the officers of this country and Kyusho provides the officer with another level of protection. While serving the citizens of New York, I was passionate about self-protection and the safety of others; these practical applications and self-defense methods are invaluable to law enforcement. The methods are easy to learn and are extremely effective.This knowledge was obtained by associating with the best Kyusho practitioners in the world, and being part of Kyusho International. I urge all law enforcement, military, corrections, and security personnel to practice and apply these techniques; it may be the difference between life and death.
Stockholm - Sweden
Detective Inspector Henrik Engelkes
Stockholm Regional CID, Narcotics Division
The first time I used (Kyusho) pressure points to control a suspect I was surprised that it worked so well. Some people had told me that the points won’t work when the suspect is under the influence of drugs, so I couldn’t be sure of the effect. But the pressure points have never failed. The officers I regularly teach in self defense and pressure points are also very satisfied with the techniques in their everyday work.I use Kyusho) basically every time I touch, grab or throw someone. Usually the suspect doesn’t really understand that I am well prepared if he chooses to resist the arrest. Many of the points I use in my work do not hurt when accessed, only when applied with some force. But at that stage it is already too late for the suspect to do anything about it. He is already on the ground or in a controlled position. Furthermore the pain from the point will be reduced shortly after the pressure is gone and it will seldom leave any marks on the body. And those factors are good for many reasons. One is that you know that you haven’t hurt anyone for real and another is that the suspect also can accept the short but painful technique since the pain actually did diminish or disappear very shortly after.Some people argue that people under the influence of drugs doesn’t feel pain. And thus should the pressure points be useless. That, in my experience, is not true. It doesn’t really matter if they feel the pain. The nervous system will still react as predicted most of the times. It isn’t the pain that is the key; it is the physical reaction to the stimuli. Pain can be good in training, because it tells us that we are on the nerves.From a legal security aspect the pressure points are of great value. The knowledge of (Kyusho) pressure points in a law enforcement agency makes the need of violent and heavy force techniques less. That is of course good for the citizen that is being subjected to the force. A suspect that is being detained or arrested shouldn’t be hurt by the officers, if possible. When the officer goes to home after work he or she will feel a lot better if no one has been hurt or unnecessary rough treated due to the lack of good techniques.
Pressure points are the knowledge that will make law enforcement agencies a lot safer for both parties. They are easy to learn and to integrate into already existing systems. The officer doesn’t need to learn new techniques; they just need to understand the mechanisms of the body and the techniques a little bit more. The nerves are under the skin, and the reactions when pressure is applied to them are mostly predictable since many of the points activate reflex reactions that can be studied. There is nothing strange about pressure points; it is plain knowledge of body functions and especially about the nervous system.
I can recommend the use of (Kyusho) pressure points for all law enforcement personnel. I will also recommend that you always use a certified instructor when implementing the knowledge into an official system.
Iowa - USA
Christopher M. Smaby, Training Officer
Linn County Sheriff's Office
Cedar Rapids, IowaAs an unarmed tactical law enforcement instructor for the past 24 years, I have found the skills taught by Mr. Pantazi and Kyusho International to be the most useful and effective in real life situations. Mr. Pantazi's organized approach is both practical and realistic and is far superior than any other system I have ever trained in. Kyusho has been a part of my curriculum for years and will continue to be so.
Palermo - Italy
Marcello Giannola
Polizia di Stato in Palermo (Italy)
During the service control of the territory have stopped a stranger who was without the proper permit us were preparing to accompany him at the Forensic science to make a photograph, and subsequently transported to the nearest reception center to subsequent deportation. We make a personal control but when we said him that he must come with us in the car, it opposed resistance, with their hands on the roof of the car service and left foot on the platform. My colleague who was trying to enter it by pushing, explaining him that if he had opposed further we could use the handcuffs as an alternative. The opponent has to continuous oppose using their hands and left foot, so I helped my colleague, pressing with the knuckles on the point GB23 situated on the right side, debilitating the support leg and taken on removing the left arm and help him enter in the car. In my opinion, the knowledge and use of Kyusho is very important for the police officer people, who are working often in situations of conflict or even dangerous, to meet with the proportionality offense received or probably received , forcing the operator at frequently less use supplied weapon and use of physical coercion without the use of specific weapons including non-firearm. All this, implies by these operators, knowledge of a system that has as its objectives the following points:1. non-hazardous nature of the system or the appropriate response to danger and situations. In order, when possible, to ensure the criminal at law order, to serve their sentence that civil society imposes on redeem, and a social value not indifferent that away from the generic and personal justice.2. the opportunity to learn a few simple techniques and easily training without the complicated knowledge of developed engine schemes unless the based engines schemes , valid for men and women.3. A voiding further legal consequences related to the use of excessive force, criminal complaints for power abuse of and excess negligence related to physical injuries reported perpetrator although not serious but still visible.
Profit for the police which work in jail, to quell without use of weapons (prohibited inside the prison by the security staff) any fights.
Departments of public order (Italian police) dedicated to the maintenance of public order during of public demonstrations or protest violent or not, where the use of weapons is still prohibited in the security and guarantee the "right" to strike or protest event.
Medical Team on board of Unit public emergency. Can be used for interventions on people in confusion due to excessive alcohol and drugs, mentally ill or example even at times to quell the relatives panic aggressive and all people involved in traffic accidents with serious injuries.
Useful attempted suicide intervention.
In my experience of 13 years of police officer in recent years of learning, training and improvement I found, in the Kyusho, the right way to handle the potentially dangerous people to himself and others.
Name and Picture witheld for security reasons.
As a United States Federal Air Marshal, I have been trained in a variety of different self-defense styles that have given me the proper tools to defend myself as well as my country. While these self-defense styles may vary in execution and method, they all share a similar technique and principal. Kyusho is one of the core foundations that the Federal Air Marshal agency has used to help better equip their agents to be prepared to defend themselves against any style of attack. Kyusho uses simplistic yet highly effective techniques to disarm, restrain, prevent or stop an individual from completing any type of physical assault. With the basic understanding and use of Kyusho I am able to not only apply the methods to potential life-threatening situations, but also incorporate the underlying fundamental movements in any other type of self-defense technique I may use.I have had many qualified and experienced instructors train me in an assortment of martial art and self-defense styles; however none have been able to communicate, instruct and deliver their knowledge like Evan Pantazi. I have been fortunate enough to work with Evan Pantazi in a personal and individual setting and his understanding and application of Kyusho is as effective and applicable as any instruction I have received. His ability to tailor Kyusho’s methods to suit that of the small and unique environment of an aircraft is only one example of how effective and relative Evan’s principals are to my job description. Evan has given me a new and dynamic way to fight and defend myself in any situation.
Lisbon - Portugal
João Ramalho
Officer - Unidade Operacional da Guarda Nacional Republicana (special anti-riot unit)
Self Defense Instructor
Despite my own personal experience in Martial Arts, for many years I have researched and searched for self-defense systems that could be adapted to my professional situation of being a Law Enforcement Agent.All techniques, theories and strategies I contacted in the many traditional martial arts I experienced during my search were simply not compatible with the limits of intervention imposed by the Portuguese laws.In the firm belief of finally having found an approach that could be adapted to these strict restraints imposed by my activity, I met Evan Pantazi for the first time in Barcelona at a Law Enforcement Seminar.After my years of pursuit, I understood then that all the questions I had and were never answered were systematically being addressed in an intuitive and simple way by the program that was being presented.
A program that introduced a level of control that permitted me to maintain complete restraint with little effort, and do so without compromising the physical integrity of the offender.
As I introduced pressure points (Kyusho) in my teaching activity at the Unidade Operacional da Guarda Nacional Republicana (special anti-riot unit) I was formally invited to be involved in the development of an improved and common self defense system for several agencies.
Several sessions presenting Kyusho Tactical Control Program (KTCP) have also been held at The Portuguese Military Police Unit.
Trained officials in the use of KTCP in a riot setting are leading the special anti-riot unit of the Military Police stationed presently in Kosovo.
It is my firm belief that the KTCP from Kyusho International will be in few years the mandatory tool for law enforcement agents across the world.
Texas - USA
Lt. Wayne Moody
Pearland Texas Police
SWAT commander
I have been using Kyusho on the street for over 10 years, with good results. The Pressure Point Fighting tactics used for combat have been tweaked by Kyusho Instructors and practitioners to be utilized for Law Enforcement. These Kyusho techniques are applied with minimal effort and have a low propensity for injury to your suspect. The Goal of any officer who finds themselves in a violent confrontation is to control the suspect. These techniques give the officer an edge while attempting to accomplish this goal.The techniques and tactics that will be covered in this book are simple, sound and street tested. They can be integrated into your existing tactics and skills, so you won’t have to learn a whole new fighting system, if you are a boxer, martial artist, wrestler or just a brawler you can quickly pick up the information and put it in your bag of tricks so to speak.About 8 years ago I began to teach Kyusho for L.E. to cadets (New Officers) while they were attending the Police Academy; over 500 cadets have been exposed to this training. I have had very good feedback from these officers who have gained the desired control of suspects using Kyusho.I have also instructed several hundreds of veteran officers during in service training, along with Military servicemen preparing to deploy to the middle east, after each class I am consistently approached by students who express their excitement about these techniques, saying that they are simple to apply, easy to understand and will be easy to retain.
My personal experience is one of surprise and excitement about Kyusho and the techniques taught by Expert instructors of Kyusho. I remember attending a Law Enforcement Class 15 or so years ago that advertised Pressure Point Control, I had a martial arts background and when I left the class I was less than impressed. I had a soured impression that pressure points were not very valuable to L.E., boy was I proven wrong, a few years later when I met Expert instructors Pantazi and, Corn, during a Kyusho Seminar. I walked out of this class surprised and excited about pressure point combat. I was on a mission; I was going to work on and test these tactics on the street. So here we are several years later and they have been put to the test. Like I said earlier I have had good results. One of the myths in L.E. is that hand to hand tactics or fighting is always effective, and just like the TV Cops we always are able to toss bad guys around like rag dolls, apply handcuffs with little effort and always get our man.
Well I’m here to tell you that no tactic or technique works 100% of the time and fighting a drug crazed suspect that is covered in sweat and blood is not a walk in the park. We don’t always get our man and some really good officers are injured and sometimes killed. That’s the reality of the world we live in, however if officers can utilize Kyusho to give them an edge, a few extra seconds or create some distance then maybe we have accomplished what we intended. Do the job, and go home at the end of the day to our loved ones.
Lt. Wayne Moody has been with the Pearland Texas Police Department for 20 years, 18 of those serving as a SWAT operator and currently as SWAT commander.
Tennessee - USA
Dan King Corrections Officer
Brice Detention Center in Centerview, MO (USA)
McMinn County Jail in Tennessee
When police officers arrest someone they transport them to an intake area of a jail. The individuals who are being put in custody of the corrections officers at that point often become violent because they have been arrested and may be high on drugs and drunk. The booking area is not a happy place for arrestees. They have lost their freedom, the "cops" are now taking their property and clothing, and the reality of the situation is starting to sink in. This is the point when I have had the most fights in my career as a working corrections officer.Over the years I have studied a few martial arts. The sad truth is that many modern arts are taught more on the art side than the martial part. PPCT even has limits. Eventually I began learning about this crazy way to combine pressure points beyond just hit and run strikes of PPCT which may not always work. Kyusho in law enforcement and corrections goes beyond trying to inflict pain on people who can't feel anything. It manipulates the nervous system of your opponent to control the situation or even knock the person out with little to know effort. (Just because they don't feel pain in one spot doesn't mean the rest of their nervous system is out of order) I've fought crack heads, meth heads, and drunks using Kyusho to effectively end altercations. It's easy to learn, it's fun, but most importantly IT WORKS - PERIOD.My name is Dan King, and I believe in what Sensei Pantazi teaches. You should too.
Massachusetts - USA
Deputy Sheriff Joseph Lamb (Ret.)
Middlesex Sheriff’s Office- Enforcement Unit
When your job consists of arresting people on a daily basis, you quickly learn that standard control techniques and defensive tactics are just not adequate. I discovered years ago, that learning Kyusho techniques was the perfect addition to the skills that I already had. There is no magic to Kyusho, it is just using knowledge of basic human physiology and applying some fairly simple concepts. I am by no stretch of the imagination, an advanced Kyusho practitioner. I’ve learned some pressure points and Kyusho concepts along the way and I have consistently used them in the course of my duties. The beauty of Kyusho is that you don’t necessarily have to change what you are already doing, but just gain some knowledge of how to make what you already do, work better.Kyusho has a number of advantages that can be capitalized on in many different situations. From highly resistant, combative subjects to passively resistant people. In law enforcement, we all have to keep in mind the use of force continuum that is dictated to us by our individual departments and the law. The last thing an officer wants to do is go higher on the use of force continuum than the situation warrants. This opens up the individual officer and the department to an excessive force lawsuit. Remember, use of force may be justified in a particular situation, but leaving visible injuries on an individual rarely works in an officer’s favor. In many cases, Kyusho techniques can be applied to momentarily disable an individual long enough to gain control of the subject. Best of all, you are far less likely to cause visible injuries, thereby helping to avoid excessive force complaints. Subduing a passively resistant person can often have the appearance of excessive force because the subject is not actively fighting back or resisting. This is perhaps the most common situation I’ve encountered over the years. By applying some basic Kyusho techniques, an officer can get a passively resistant person handcuffed without escalating the level of force above what is needed.Learning any martial art in addition to your present skill set is certainly beneficial, however, I’ve found Kyusho to be the most practical to apply in a law enforcement setting. It doesn’t take years to master and ultimately, you use what works best for you. I have also found Kyusho useful while engaged in private executive protection assignments. Typically, the techniques used are quite different since your main goal is protecting your principal and not apprehending an individual, however the concepts are still applicable. By learning Kyusho, you are educating yourself and becoming a better, safer, more humane law enforcement officer, and you just might avoid a few lawsuits along the way.
Bant, Netherlands
Jaap Jan de Lange
Constable First Class
Department of criminal investigation Flevoland, Dutch Police
The Kyusho Tactical Control Program (KTCP), has been helping Law Enforcement Officers around the world increase safety, efficiency and control in their professions.
Here is one such endorsement:
I’ve been a police officer for over 11 years now. I am working as a police-detective at the moment but I have worked as a streetcop for over 6 years and I was a member of a special arrest unit specialised in arresting persons in riot situations and difficult situations for over a year.
Since I started studying kyusho I have used it in my policework and it really made a big difference. The great advantage of using pressure points is that you can use them in everything you used to do already, but get a much better response. Also you can use them and the people standing by can’t really see what’s going on. I’ve had a lot of people trying to resist their arrest but by using kyusho I was able to take them down easily and control them in a way the bystanders thought he just slipped and fell to the ground.
Another great thing is that when you understand what a point will do you can use it to get a result without having to use other violence. For example, when a person holds on to a fence or their steering wheel in a car it’s really easy to open the hands by using a pressure point on the wrist. If you don’t know this you will have to fight to open the hand which will lead to more violence and more comments/complaints from bystanders. While it is true not everybody will react to a pressure point the same way, it has been my experience that in real life almost everybody will have a reaction.
I highly recommend the KTCP not only to all LEO but also to all people who might have to control aggressive persons. The points taught have all been tested in real live against resisting opponents and maybe just as important the way the program teaches the material will make sure you will be able to find the point and be able to use it right after the lesson.
Markus Maislinger
Markus Maislinger
Corrections Officer
As an officer for Corrections in Austria, I serched long times in different martial Arts to find a good System, i can use every day on duty. I trained different styles and tryed to combine them with tecniqes i learned in my basic education, every officer gets. It took me some time till i found a Book of Evan Pantazi on the Internet. "Kyusho for
Law Enforcement". I read the whole book in one day and tried to implement the mentioned points an tecniques.
But as everybody knows, hand ond hand training is the best so i startet the study of Kyusho. After having the basics and growing up to CI I started uing the Kyusho in my everyday work. There are many benefits. Kyusho makes it possible to have a maximum of efficiency with a minimum risk of hurting the inmates.
Nowadays, nobody wants to see officers hitting people, even if they are inmates in our prisons. Kyusho opens the door for every officer to make their techniqes more efficieant and less dangerous.
In my case, there are different problems, like very little space, and opponents, that have years of experience in hurting people. So Kyusho makes it possible for me to make my work more safer. One more effect is, that inmates respect the way i use my techniqes. They know, that I use the force i have to. Years ago, officers used Sticks and Weapons to stop attacks or control inmates, kusho is a safer and better way to work and that´s, what inmates know and respect.
Arizona - USA
Fred Mastison
President - Force Options Tactical Training Solutions
Actively teaching law enforcement and military for almost 20 years and holds 13 law enforcement POST instructor certifications.
He travels worldwide providing instruction in combatives and firearms." The KTCP is one of the best pressure point programs available to the LE community. It is simple to learn, easy to retain, and is proven to be effective. "
Wels, Austria
Patrick Hummer
Wels, Austria
Since I use the KTCP in my work, I find it to be much easier to control and arrest people.
Recently we had to arrest a burly man. Two young police officers were visibly overwhelmed with the guy and tried unsuccessfully to force armlock. When I came to help, I made the guy loose in seconds and could arrest him without hurting him. I´m sure KTCP is taken soon stuck in the basic training of police officers in Austria.
Civilian Comments:
About ten years ago, while working in the special education department at the local high school, I encountered a young man who was severely distressed over the school year ending. His disability made it very difficult for him to express himself and he would at times become aggressive. He outweighed me by an easy 100 lbs, so when he was aggressive all I had was words to calm him. One day he stood up, pushed his desk and came after me, arms outstretched. I was able to side step, and then placed my index finger behind TW-11 on the triceps tendon. By pressing lightly on the point, his arm folded across his chest. I then maneuvered him in a series of circles back to his seat, and still pressing with my finger managed to sit him down and calm him.
As a teacher working with special needs student, I need to approach every situation with the greatest of care. This is the most useful and powerful example of kyusho, that I have experienced. Not only did I protect myself, by was able to protect my attacker.
Cody Robyn - Massachusetts USA