The human body is a maze of
intricate intertwining energy throughout our nervous system that
allow for heightened states of sensitivity, emotion and
consciousness. We can feel all of these to certain extents
and realize this heightened awareness in states of arousal,
actually hungering and striving for them. By understanding what
is happening and how to increase these and new sensations and/or
states of arousal, we can achieve even more pleasure.
In a day where boredom and routine close us in, we see escalated
accounts of marital breakups and sexual dysfunction. Also
we are living longer lives with stress and unfulfilled
aspirations… sexual exchange is our relief, our escape, our
passion. This simple guide should be used as that, a guide
to let you understand the process, the possibilities and the
pleasure. It is just a key to open the creative and
intuitive abilities you hold to sooth as well as excite your
chosen partner. Helping couples get more intimate
and closer in their relationships.
Please also understand that the journey is far more enjoyable
than the goal.
Kyusho International ® is the world's leader in the pressure point arts and
has a proven set of programs to increase your income
potential. Integrated in 30 Countries and hundreds of locations
around the world! |
word from our Model, Anna Isabel
I'm sure that almost all of you
believe you know perfectly your body, but we really know of it
is very few. I never imagined that there where some points in my
body that correctly stimulated will produce me pleasure and
excitation, I've never explored more than the ones everybody
knows and we believe are the only ones, but thanks to great
Master Evan Pantazi that gave me the opportunity to participate
in the photographs for this interesting and wonderful book I've
been able to discover and sense points in my body that were
Our body is our most appreciate richness and fountain of
wellness, due to that it's essential know it deeply, love and
take care of it. It's incredible what you can feel. When you
discover it, you'll be grateful surprised.
Anna Isabel - Film and
Photographic Model
Madrid, Spain |
Seguro que mucho de ustedes creen
conocer a la perfeccion su cuerpo. pero en realidad lo que
conocemos y sabemos de el es muy poco. Nunca me imagine
que habian puntos de mi cuerpo que al estimularlos me produjeran
placer y exitacion, jamas habia explorado mas alla de
aquellos que todos conocemos y creemos son los unicos, pero
gracias al Gran Maestro Evan Pantazi que me dio la magnifica
opportunidad de participar en las fotografias para este
interesante y maravilloso libro, he podido descubrir y sentir
puntos de mi cuerpo que tenia dormidos.
Nuestro cuerpo es nuestra mayor riqueza y fuente de bien estar,
por ello es esencial conocerlo en profundidad, cuidarlo y amarlo.
Es increible lo que puedes llegar a sentir, cuando lo descubras
te sorprenderas.
Anna Isabel - Film,
Television and Radio Star, Photographic Model
Madrid, Spain |
I wanted to
write you a quick message about the Intimacy Enchancement
Series. I purchased the series from you at the Cincinnati
seminar. As I explained there, my wife has Lupus and
Fibromyalgia and it is sometimes frustrating in the area of
intimacy for both of us. I must say that the program is very
easy to understand and to implement at a moments notice. My
wife was amazed at how the soft manipulation of pressure
points can increase the sexual desire and physical reaction
that occurred. She stated that it was the best $$ that we
ever spent. I will not go into much depth but to say that I
can't wait to go more in depth and to duplicate the
sensations for her pleasure and my satisfaction. Great Job!
One side effect
was the enormous (her words) appetite that she had the next
- (USA)
I have
already received the video and the book of Kyusho Intimacy Enhancement ,
My congratulations to Mr. Pantazi by this brilliant work... a work
Cristóbal - (Spain) |
Hello Evan,
wanna give you some feedback for the book and the dvd. First of all
it workes great. I tried some things out and it is wonderfull. The
difference is extreme. But some Things maby for you.
me it is a workguide but I know Kyusho. But I heard from some people
that they did not know what you mean with energie and fire and wood
and so on, cause there is a little problem. The translation from the
book is bad. In English it is no problem to understand you but when
you hear the translation in german you realice that the translator
has no idea from Kyusho. The location or description of some points
for example ST-17 is wrom and if you wanna search for it in
acupunktureguides you never find them. They called it “Bauch-17”,
but the right description is “Magen-17”. Also the part with the
energy is not optimal in german. On dvd you can change the language
but the book is in german and you can not change.
Please see this as an information. This is an wonderfull book and
dvd and it is sad that it becomes difficult to understand cause of
translation mistakes. For me it does not matter cause I know what
you want and it is and workes wonderfull. Thank you very very mutch
for this!
- (Germany) |
Well sir,
I've been asked to convey a thank you your way for publishing this so
here it is. Definitely looking forward to levels 2 and 3.
Nathan -
(USA) |
carefully reading the book and watching the DVD there comes a time,
like every other aspect of Kyusho, to put the theory to the test.
Of course I'm not
giving details, but the results were surprising! My wife was a bit
sceptical at first (but what else is new in Kyusho?) but there were
definately good reactions!! This daring new concept is
absolutely very valuable and usable for everyone.
The thing that
surprised me the most was the fact that we touch a lot of points
already without the real intent. I guess they are all in our nature
already, we only have to adjust a little bit or get more intention
into the points.
Thank you very much for sharing this! It's a great adventure..
Please add your Comments: |
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pression pour l'intimité), KO, technique de massage Japonaise, pression
sur les points d'acupuncture, taichi chuan, combat avec les points de
pression |