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Kyusho Recognition Awards

7th Kyusho Recognition Awards.  Each year we induct 3 Kyusho Instructors based solely on their personal contributions to the Art of Kyusho, not paid for.  Also we recognize the Student as without these great people there is no future!

These three awards are:

1. Mentor Award, top instructor that gets on the mat and leads by experience. Teaching openly with their heart and soul, in a clear understandable manner.

2. Research Award, given to those that develop and idea or direction of study. Not only bringing new information to light, but also the ability to teach others how to implement the knowledge in their own style.

3. Ambassador Award, will be given to the individual that brings people together. Who has traveled and openly shared Kyusho in many locations around the world.

4. Dedication Award will be given to the individual that displays the most dedication and determination in learning as a student of the art.

This will be a yearly event and publicized as those that contribute must be recognized. This will not just be KI people that are considered, but anyone that has been involved with Kyusho

2005 Kyusho Recognition Award winners were...


Mentor: Researcher: Ambassador: Dedication:

Jim Corn

Gary Rooks

Mark Kline

Not Yet


2006 Kyusho Recognition Award winners were...


Mentor: Researcher: Ambassador: Dedication:

Gary Rooks

Dr. Sergio Espejo

Jim Hulse

Not Yet


2007 Kyusho Recognition Award winners were...


Mentor: Researcher: Ambassador: Dedication:

Gary Boaz

Jim Corn

Asa Seeley

Rosanne Driscoll

2008 Kyusho Recognition Award winners were...


Mentor: Researcher: Ambassador: Dedication:

Dr. Sergio Espejo

Arturo Umana

Frank Monea

Xavi Vila

2009 Kyusho Recognition Award winners were...


Due to the Nature of the 2009 IKC Cruise No Awards were presented this year
2010 Kyusho Recognition Award winners were...


Mentor: Researcher: Ambassador: Dedication:

Benjamin Cem Gencoglu

Gianluca Frisan

Xavi Vila

Shawn Miller

2011 Kyusho Recognition Award winners were...


Mentor: Researcher: Ambassador: Dedication:

Seiyu Oyata

Dr. Michael Kelly

Alfredo Tucci

Alessandro Scappatura